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註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
Idol, it is near 5 am, I still can't fall asleep. My brain just doesn't want to stop working...... : (

God, do I deserve happiness and love? Why I have to suffer all those difficulties? Why I have to deal with all those bullshits and bad things? Why it's me? Do you think I did something wrong? Or do you simply think I have the abilities to handle those things? Is it the meaning that you let me alive in this world?

It is too hard to fight alone. I am scared to be hurting. I hide my scars and weak side from people who don't know me or don't care about me. I push myself hard to be strong. I know I need and must survive.

Please forgive me being weak sometimes, I am just too tired and get lost in darkness, only want to take a break. I promise you, all of you, people who know me or don't know me, but love me and care about me, that I will be good tomorrow.

"Hold on, there will be tomorrow, in time you will find the way........"

Cause I am the Queen of the Night, never give up or give in!!^-^

Come on, 4:13am? It is summer time now, even time here teases me. :cry: :D

週二 6月 27, 2017 5:13 pm

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
Idol, I saw a quote today. Feel like it is just in time. Want to share it with you. ^-^

Sometimes we might get lost or feel weak on the way to pursue the truth. We have to keep strengthening our faith to cast our fears aside. It is so great and nice to know that we are not the only person in the world cares and fights.

"We should all encourage each other. That way we can all be more confident going forward."------Idol DV


This one is hilarious. :D :D


週五 7月 07, 2017 3:11 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
Idol, early this afternoon I left a message, saying I have a funny story, and wanna tell you later. Here it comes. ^-^

I was bit last week. I knew it was not mosquito. But I can't find any bugs either at that time. I saw the news about the Lyme disease, and not only knew how serious the disease could be, but also knew that those ticks are usually from deers in woods. It should be safe in the city. No worry need, I convinced myself.

Yesterday evening I saw my friend again in a workshop. She told me that she got fever and nausea Last Thursday morning and headed to clinic. The doctor thought she might get infection from tick bites, cause she just came back from hiking in woods. Then she got the Lyme disease test, a two-step blood test. The good news is that first round result is negative.

When I went home and almost forgot the whole thing, I saw a tick on my bed. Shoot, it exactly looks like those ticks in the news. How? How does it appear in my apartment? Okay, I recalled that I did hug my friend last Wednesday twice. Seriously? Two hugs, I must be super attractive, ha, ha, What a damn bad luck!!

I just got my first round test this afternoon. I know we live in a world that anything could happen. Still, we really can't prevent from all those kinds of dangers we might face. Life is too short and unpredictable. This accident told me that there is no proper time to live a better life. Just living it now, and make everyday happy and counts.

I don't know whether I can make to your birthday party or not yet. But I will apply for it anyway. Idol, are you looking forward to seeing me? haha :D :D

Queen of the Night

週五 7月 14, 2017 9:45 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
Idol,I just got a good news. The Lyme Disease test is negative. Yeah!! :D :D

The following is advices from expert. Fyi...

Dr. James Leach, Director of the Dermatology Department at NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln, gives advice on how to prevent tick bites, what to do if you are bitten by a tick, and what to look out for after a tick bite.
Protect your skin
•Cover your skin as much as possible in areas that may have ticks. Wear light colored clothing as it will be easier to notice them if they get on you. Tuck pants into socks and shirts into pants. Wear a hat to prevent ticks from attaching to hair and scalp.
•Wear gloves while gardening because ticks can live under soil and among leaves.
Use repellent on skin, clothes, and pets
•Apply insect repellent that contain DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus on exposed skin. Parents should apply repellent to their children, avoiding hands, eyes, and mouth.
•Apply insect repellent that contains permethrin to clothes, shoes, boots, socks, tents, and outdoor gear. Permethrin kills ticks that come in contact with treated clothing and gear and usually stays on even after several washings.
•Speak to your veterinarian about applying flea and tick repellent on pets.
Check for ticks
•Do a thorough body search for ticks on yourself, children, and pets, especially in areas such as around ears, around the neck, on hair and scalp, in the navel, around the waist, behind knees, between the legs, and in other skin folds.
•Check clothing and other gear for ticks. Tumble dry clothes in a dryer on high heat for 10 minutes to kill ticks. Wash clothes in hot water to kill ticks.
•Wash skin treated with insect repellent. Shower within two hours of coming indoors to find crawling ticks on body and to wash them away.
Removing a tick
•Use a pair of tweezers or your fingers shielded with tissue paper or rubber gloves to gently grasp a tick as close to the skin as possible. Do not handle ticks with bare hands.
•Do not grab, twist, squeeze, or squash the body of the tick. This may cause the tick’s mouth to break off and remain in the skin.
•Carefully pull the tick up with slow, even pressure to gradually remove it.
•After removing the tick, wash the bitten area and your hands with alcohol or soap and water.
•Place the tick in alcohol or in a plastic zip lock bag and store in the freezer for identification. Your doctor may request to see the tick if you are experiencing symptoms from the bite.
Check for tick bite symptoms
•Tick paralysis is a condition passed on by a tick bite. Symptoms are mostly found in young children. Symptoms can start with fatigue and numbness in the arms and legs and evolve into paralysis of the arms, legs, tongue, and face. These symptoms go away once the tick is removed.
•The most common symptoms of tick-related illnesses are fever/chills, a rash, headache, fatigue, joint pain, muscle aches, or muscle weakness (palsy).

週三 7月 19, 2017 12:15 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
Idol, I just sent my application form to your fans club. Yeah, so happy :D :D

I hope I could attend your birthday party this year. ^-^

Cross fingers :wink: :D

週五 7月 21, 2017 12:45 pm

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
Idol, I got a wonderful news today. Feel so happy, beloved and blessed, yeah!! ^-^

In my heart, all people who help me, reach me a hand, give me hope, encourage me, inspire me at the time I need most are all my great great angels and heroes. I am very very thankful and grateful. I hope one day I could help and inspire others too.

You are my idol and lucky star. I am so so happy to be able to fly to HongKong to meet you in person in October 2017. I am shaking right now. I have been in dark place over 3 years. It is so good to see the light in. ^-^

Stupid girl, you cry for sadness, why you still cry for happiness? You'd better to start checking air tickets and packaging now. haha :D :D

Idol, I am coming to HongKong, yeah, so excited!! :wink: :D


週五 7月 28, 2017 1:36 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
Idol, I made a closure for my past today. Now, there is nothing to hide. I have no idea how my past would impact on my future life. I hope that I can be brave and strong like it never hurt me before and would never ever future. A Q spirit, ha

Move on to next task, due day 9/16! I like to tell you my objectives here, cause I know after I tell you, I will do my best to make it happen. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


這句蠻有道理的,可為什麼心裡還是很掙扎呢?有個聲音在說:“人無遠慮,必有近憂!” 哈哈,好矛盾啊 :wink:

Idol, 你怎麼看?

甜心 :D :D

週六 8月 19, 2017 10:03 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
MISS YOU EVERYDAY..............................


甜心 :D :wink:

週日 9月 10, 2017 2:34 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
As long as awake.......

As long as awake, keep moving from stiffness joints to painful strictions,

As long as awake, keep active from forever fatigue to hopeless frustrations,

As long as awake, keep clear mind from head singing to constant dizziness,

As long as awake, keep fighting from multiple battles to surrender edges,

As long as awake, keep calm from hearing every single heart beat to scaring to die,

As long as awake, remind me "That I" has gone...........

Idol, you said we shouldn't be sad more than 5 minutes. Can I?

Every time I listen this song, I am crying so bad...........

I miss her so much................


週三 9月 13, 2017 11:16 pm

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香
Idol,一首歌的時間 + 5分鐘,好嗎?

Idol,你會不會說,「又不是我傷心(難過),還帶討價還價的?」哈哈 :D :D

你當是撒嬌吧 :wink: ,哈哈


Idol,你有沒有也被驚嚇到呢?哈哈 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

甜心(天天開心) :D :D

最後由 Forget Me Not 於 週四 9月 14, 2017 8:19 am 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。

週四 9月 14, 2017 12:11 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香

週四 9月 14, 2017 12:41 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香

早上醒來,看到有十年前就已經在這里的古迷對你說「陪伴到最後的 永遠都是我們」,好長情的承諾。



對哦,比在泰國拍「貪狼」時還多11個小時呢,哈哈,「時差一個小時,好大事兒喔?!」,算了,我嚴肅不起來了,思維太跳躍了,哈哈 :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


甜心 :D :D

週日 9月 17, 2017 9:54 pm

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香





下面這句,我很喜歡,也在學習中,與你分享,讓我們「盡人事聽天命」一起共勉吧,相信緣份天註定,屬於自己的終會來到。 ^-^

「Before you can be happy with someone else, you must first learn to be happy with yourself.」

甜心(天天開心) :wink: :D

週四 9月 21, 2017 9:11 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香


有天晚上我又失眠了,怕媽媽擔心,沒有開燈起來,只是躺在床上,讓媽媽以為我睡了,也不知過了多久,門輕輕的被推開了,媽媽在門口悄悄的探身進來望向我,我怕突然說話嚇到她,就翻個身,假裝被吵醒,我說:「媽,你要做什麼?嚇我一跳」其實,媽媽只是擔心女兒,怕女兒睡過去就再也醒不來,想聽聽女兒的呼吸聲就放心了,我告訴媽媽我也是,每次半夜起來也會去查看她一下,她說她知道,我倆笑成一團,真是母女連心,有如此操心的母親,就有如此操心的女兒。 :D :D


甜心 :D :wink:

週四 9月 28, 2017 11:10 am

註冊時間: 週三 6月 29, 2016 12:01 pm
文章: 59
文章 Re: 黑色郁金香

週六 10月 14, 2017 10:49 am
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