古仔部落格及Louis Koo's Share

大家又 有幾認識 你門 的 鄰居 呢﹖﹖
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發表人:  Angel4 [ 週五 11月 02, 2007 2:34 am ]
文章主題 :  大家又 有幾認識 你門 的 鄰居 呢﹖﹖

剛剛 去完 GYM回來﹐ 真的 嚇到 我的 心要 跳出 來﹗﹗﹗
我家 是 位於 10 間姊妹 屋 形 式 的 小村 子。。。而 入口 也只有一個 ﹐
去到 停車場﹐ 見到 有 5﹑6 架 警車在那裡 。。。我當時 第一 反應 就是 很驚 和 擔心 獨自在家 的貓貓 狗狗門。。。
前去 查探﹐原來 是 一位 韓國 鄰居報 警 看到有 個她以 為 是 陌 生人﹐其實是 我門 其中 的 一個鄰居 在 徘徊 ﹗
而那位 鄰居 因是 是 弱智 人 仕﹐常常 會 莫明其 妙 地 大聲呼叫 。當他的 媽媽 前來 跟 警察 門解 釋 後﹐那個 韓國 住客也 感到 很不好意 思﹐ 說她 其實 搬來 之後 都 見 不到 我門 的 鄰居 有 多少個﹐ 對我門 都很 陌生呢﹗
這個問 題其 實 也 令我覺得 我門 人和人之間 ﹐身體 距離可能不 是 那麼 遠﹐但 交 流 也就可 以 少之又少 呢﹗
大家 又跟你門 的 鄰居有 多近啊﹖

發表人:  hoff [ 週五 11月 02, 2007 7:12 am ]
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發表人:  咩樹 [ 週五 11月 02, 2007 12:08 pm ]
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我跟我鄰居不熟的吧..最多都只是見到面SAY HI而己
現在香港住的都是高樓大廈比較多..大家都把門關起來..所以感覺都是冷冷的 :(

發表人:  Angel4 [ 週五 11月 02, 2007 3:13 pm ]
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hoff 寫:

對啊﹗當你在 驚 你的 家人有事 時 是很恐佈 的﹗
你這句 很好﹕ 這麼近 那麼遠
好適合我門 這個年代的1人。。反而我門 在網上 就是 ﹕這麼遠 那麼近 呢﹗

發表人:  安琪拉摩卡 [ 週五 11月 02, 2007 4:47 pm ]
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發表人:  yew_dorothy [ 週五 11月 02, 2007 9:51 pm ]
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發表人:  Angel4 [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 12:09 am ]
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咩樹 寫:
我跟我鄰居不熟的吧..最多都只是見到面SAY HI而己
現在香港住的都是高樓大廈比較多..大家都把門關起來..所以感覺都是冷冷的 :(

對啊﹗我小次 回來香港 住 了一年。。也覺得 這個 城市 需然 很 小﹐把大家也 擠 得很 近﹐
但 其實 也很陌 生。幸好 我那時 是住在 南丫 島﹐那裡 就 好好 多呢﹗比較 適 合我門 住了外國 很多年的 人啊﹗ :wink:

發表人:  Angel4 [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 1:31 am ]
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安琪拉摩卡 寫:


哈哈﹐所有關係 也是因 一些 經歷 而加深的呢﹗
那麼 你門 如何 一起 應付 惡鄰居 呢﹖
不知 為何﹐在我 腦海 是浮現 你門一 起拿著 掃把 ﹑拖地棍 一起 去跟 惡鄰居算帳呢﹗ :lol: :lol:

發表人:  taranti [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 7:25 am ]
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We used to be friendly and know more neighbours ... now we are too busy and just mind our own business.... you know ma, Boston Angel (hehee, I like this name jehh, pls dont mind), I think the reason is we are more online, living in our internet worlds... the outside world doesn't look that important anymore... :?

發表人:  Angel4 [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 11:22 am ]
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yew_dorothy 寫:

對﹗看來像你這 種 情況 真是 很普遍 呢﹗
已經沒有 以前 屋村 鄰居 守 望 相助 的 年代了﹗

發表人:  Angel4 [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 11:25 am ]
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taranti 寫:
We used to be friendly and know more neighbours ... now we are too busy and just mind our own business.... you know ma, Boston Angel (hehee, I like this name jehh, pls dont mind), I think the reason is we are more online, living in our internet worlds... the outside world doesn't look that important anymore... :?

I love this name too...Boston Angel, very unique, just for me..hehehe......
you are right about the online thing...it doesn't even make us distance from our neighbors, but also distance from our own family members if we don't know how to control ourselves. just like this DV site, I spent so much extra time on the internet everyday now than before..haha..but i dont want to control it..hehehe

發表人:  田子 [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 3:25 pm ]
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發表人:  Angel4 [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 11:19 pm ]
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田子 寫:



還一起 賞月 ﹗ 你門 的感情 就真的 是很好呢﹗
我是 非常 ﹑ 超級 喜愛做 運動呢。。差不 多 甚麼類型 的 運 動 我 都 玩。。。就算 我最 討 厭 的 網球﹐我都有
一個 網球 拍 長期在我 的 車 上 呢﹗哈哈哈﹗
我其實是 忘記 登上 MSN呢﹗我會記 得 ﹐在 MSN上 見﹗

發表人:  candy [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 11:34 pm ]
文章主題 : 

hey angel

it can sometimes really surprise us about these things...so close but yet so distant...
but for us, we've always had very good neighbours...and pretty good relationships as well...help each other out with tiny jobs now & again...and it feels really nice!!

we've moved around quite abit since been in england, and when we were younger, we were even closer to our old neighbours...thanx to my mami who practically approaches them for any help, so that was real cool, and she would sometimes give what shes cooked for them to try!! i remember once, we lived next to a jamaican family, we really got on, and one summer, just me & my younger sis in the house and noticed all these insects crawling around mear the patio...we got so scared and i had to go next door for sos....hehe...and he came over to kill them for us and exlplained to us why there were so many these creepies...haha...he was very nice to our family since we moved in...knowing that we were young and my mami knew little english & had to look after us on her own as dad worked far from home...bless him..though i knew he had his dodgy side (drugs)...but he was a nice man...hehe....

and now we live in a cul-de-sac area so the neighbours are really close and friendly....we had a summer thing where all neighbours joined to drink & chat in the evening...


發表人:  Angel4 [ 週六 11月 03, 2007 11:41 pm ]
文章主題 : 

candy 寫:
hey angel

it can sometimes really surprise us about these things...so close but yet so distant...
but for us, we've always had very good neighbours...and pretty good relationships as well...help each other out with tiny jobs now & again...and it feels really nice!!

we've moved around quite abit since been in england, and when we were younger, we were even closer to our old neighbours...thanx to my mami who practically approaches them for any help, so that was real cool, and she would sometimes give what shes cooked for them to try!! i remember once, we lived next to a jamaican family, we really got on, and one summer, just me & my younger sis in the house and noticed all these insects crawling around mear the patio...we got so scared and i had to go next door for sos....hehe...and he came over to kill them for us and exlplained to us why there were so many these creepies...haha...he was very nice to our family since we moved in...knowing that we were young and my mami knew little english & had to look after us on her own as dad worked far from home...bless him..though i knew he had his dodgy side (drugs)...but he was a nice man...hehe....

and now we live in a cul-de-sac area so the neighbours are really close and friendly....we had a summer thing where all neighbours joined to drink & chat in the evening...


wow, i envy your relationship with your neighbors! it really take at least one side to make the move. Actually, i am consider knowing the most in our neighborhood, because i would say hi and talk to almost everyone. I remember one time, i came back from living in seattle for 6 months, one of my neighbors saw me and said that how glad to see me again, becaues i am the one who always carry smile on my face, very friendly to others. but i am still too far from your close relationship with your neighbor. so how long have you been living in england?

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